Women's Health

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Meet Joan

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Meet Joan

"I’m sorry Joan, you have invasive ductal carcinoma"

As we continue to raise breast cancer awareness for the month of October, we spoke with Joan.

Joan got diagnosed with breast cancer after going for her yearly mammogram. She had felt no lumps or spotted any changes to her breasts prior to her appointment.

Joan and her scar - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Tell us your story with Breast Cancer

I went for my routine yearly mammogram, June 8, 22.

I got a call back.

I was shocked, hadn’t felt anything or ever had a call back before.

By June 16, I had biopsies taken. Scheduled to meet a surgeon and had my surgery on July 7.

To say I’m grateful to have such an attentive Dr. is an understatement. My wait for surgery on paper seems like a short time, but to me it was terrifying and seemed like forever.

The words "I’m sorry Joan, you have invasive ductal carcinoma" were beyond frightening, my immediate thoughts were "get it out and take whatever you need to."

I looked at my surgeon and said “my husband and myself had just taken early retirement, we were bereaved parents had worked really hard both physically and mentally to get to this place in life and this was the shittest news ever.”

He reassured me this would be a bump in my road, the kind of response I needed.

What advice do you have for other women going through Breast Cancer?

In a very short time I have met so many woman either going through or gone through this . All these woman have supported and given me inspiration.

I still appreciate my body, I am grateful for the life it has given me and the children it helped me create.

I still keep as active as possible (I love my time outdoors) and enjoy exploring new experiences for myself.

I keep my friends close and find comfort and humour in my pets.

I fill my days and always find beauty in the my surroundings.

 Joan smiles with flowers for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Have you or someone you know been affected by breast cancer? Share your experience here and help us spread education and awareness.

Learn more about how Huha are raising awareness on breast cancer this month.

Shop the Limited Edition Pink Undies now. 

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